Community Service: Waste Management in the School
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Rangsit University Library has implemented an environmentally friendly management approach since 2004, in accordance with the university's policy. This approach has evolved to include 5S and 7S activities consecutively. The library has become a member of the green library network and was assessed according to the Green Library Standard Criteria of the Library Association of Thailand in 2017. Rangsit University Library achieved the highest national level of recognition, 'G-Green (Gold Level - Excellent)', from the Department of Environmental Quality Promotion in 2019 for its implementation of green office activities. This recognition emphasizes the importance of effective environmental management. In 2020, Rangsit University library was the recipient of the IFLA Green Library Award, which acknowledges the commitment and dedication of the library personnel to the environment. This achievement is indicative of the proficiency and specialist knowledge of the library staff in this area, consequently the staffs have dedicated themselves to supplying and disseminating knowledge through the provision of educational services to the local community. The library personnel are engaged in a waste management initiative at the school in order to create a solid basis for environmental management in the community. This endeavor is especially pertinent in schools, which can function as a hub for furthering the project and extending its reach to the surrounding community. This project has been realized through a series of measures that have enabled the community to appreciate the value and significance of waste management. These initiatives have consisted of public relations campaigns, training programs to foster a change in behavior, activities that promote the reuse and repurposing of waste, and the establishment of waste disposal sites with a classification of waste types to create a healthy atmosphere in the school and beyond. By engaging in these activities, students will be able to alter their approach and behavior and becoming responsible to the community, society and to promote continued sustainable development.
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