Development of the Book Selection Process by Credit System
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The purpose of this research aimed to improve efficiency and a user satisfaction survey. The methodology consisted of five steps: (1) Studied original process based on problems and user requirements. (2) Designed and developed the credit system by PHP. (3) Created and tested the system. (4) Improved processes. And (5) Evaluated the satisfaction of service. A sample of 277 participants included: Instructors, Students, and Staff. The research instrument consisted of (1) A book selection program and (2) a user satisfaction survey. The satisfaction survey were used to collect data and descriptive statistics, including frequencies, standard deviation, and percentages, were used to analyze data.
This research showed overall user satisfaction at a high level with a score of 4.32. Because it better facilitates the user’s order, budget, and real-time trackable orders, and also raises the operation of the environmentally friendly organization.
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