Development of Automated Subject Headings and Classification Numbers Suggestion (Smart Subject Suggester)

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Itsaya Meengern


The Smart Subject Suggester was devised to (1) develop automated subject headings and classification numbers suggestion for cataloging assistants; (2) study user satisfaction on Smart Subject Suggester usage for fulfill user needs. The system procedures facilitated two systemic processes by replacing manual processes for catalogers and reducing subject headings checking with relevant databases. A user satisfaction survey was divided into two sections: 1) Thammasat University (TU) Library catalogers; and 2) external users. Results were TU Library catalogers had a highest level of satisfaction with the system which was as easy to remember how to use with a highest mean score was 4.69. External users had a high level of satisfaction with rapid information retrieval with a highest mean score was 4.40.

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How to Cite
Meengern, I. . (2023). Development of Automated Subject Headings and Classification Numbers Suggestion (Smart Subject Suggester). PULINET Journal, 10(1), 181–198. retrieved from
Research Articles


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