Creating a Virtual Visit to KKU Archive with 3D Vista Virtual Tour
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Khon Kaen University Library has recently developed a KKU virtual archive to offer a new and exciting experience for all users to visit our archives through virtual experience. KKU virtual archive provides a 3D tour to introduce our archive service. In addition, KKU virtual archive provides all customers the knowledge about archival work, opportunity to play quiz game and search for archival information. This new service can be accessed through VR Headset. KKU virtual archive platform was developed with 360 cameras and 3D Vista Virtual Tour software which supports viewing on all platforms including computers, tablets and smartphones. After launching this new service, we found that visitors accessed to this platform through website or via VR Headset. This new and innovative service creates a new learning source for KKU library. The results of the visit to KKU virtual archives were shared by the users through informal interviews. When asked about the feelings after using the service, most of the users felt fun and enjoyed the visit. The users also expressed the realistic feeling as if they were visiting the actual places.
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