KPI Tracking System of MFU Library
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Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Tracking System of Learning Resources and Educational Media Center, Mae Fah Luang University. It is a tool to track and evaluate staff performance indicators in both quantitative and qualitative ways that demonstrate the potential of working at the individual level. It also reviews the efficiency and effectiveness of operations, strategic plans, action plans, projects, activities, and testimonials to achieve the goals set by the organization, as well as the honoring at work of the employee's performance clearly in that year.
This system was developed with various functional designs, including the general operation login system and a function for staff to save data and create reports. It was designed to allow administrators to manage user information and manage usage rights. Moreover, supervisors and the director found that the system can work properly and quickly in recording, editing, deleting, searching, displaying data, and reporting results. The system can respond to the needs of users efficiently. The results of the satisfaction assessment of the use of the system by 29 library staff, in general, are very good, with an average score of 4.54.
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