MFU Library Satisfaction Survey System
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Satisfaction is one of the factors that reflects the success or evaluation of the performance of the activities or tasks that have been accomplished to meet the goals or success as set. Therefore, for activities or projects involving stakeholders, the agency should conduct a customer satisfaction survey. Because this information indicates an evaluation of the feelings and opinions of service recipients, it is a form of feedback to see what people think about the agency's services and what the agency needs to improve or develop.
The Learning Resources and Educational Media Center of Mae Fah Luang University is an academic support unit that is responsible for providing, organizing, and providing information resource services to support teaching, learning, and research at the university in order to carry out activities or projects according to the relevant missions. The satisfaction of the service users must be assessed as a reflection of improving and developing services in accordance with each group of service users that have been classified. In addition, Mae Fah Luang University has announced a policy for using the Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (EdPEx) and the assessment of the ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) in organization management. In this regard, the aforementioned educational quality criteria require educational institutions to assess their facilities and infrastructure to reflect the institution's response to learners' learning support.
As a result, the MFU Library has created a system for collecting data and measuring service user satisfaction based on customer groups, schools, and fields of study or curricula. The system was developed using the PHP programming language and MySQL as a database. It was discovered that using such a system was convenient and could provide current information and historical data for lecturers or related departments, who could view the information themselves at any time through the library's website. In this regard, there was the highest satisfaction level (mean 4.71). We have collected suggestions and comments from service users by field of study or curriculum to serve as a guideline for the development of services as well as the creation of relevant innovations.
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