An Experience of Full-text Finder Services with Above 90% Customer’s Satisfaction: A Case Study of Thammasat University Library

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Thidayu Viriyapoomsiri
Naruemon Khamsom


Varied methods exist for accessing digital documents through different information sources and online databases. Thammasat University (TU) Library acknowledges the usefulness of the full text finder service in assisting students and employees to access data resources meeting their needs, using them to the maximum value, and encourages resource sharing by interlibrary loan. A dedicated staff member is responsible for providing these services. In a quick, simple procedure, users may send requests through the TU Library U-services platform. Customer satisfaction survey results report over 90% user satisfaction with the service, while overall service satisfaction was 95.23%. These findings suggest that the full text finding service is accurate, convenient, and time-saving. Customer suggestions are invited for continual service improvement.

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How to Cite
Viriyapoomsiri, T. ., & Khamsom, N. . (2023). An Experience of Full-text Finder Services with Above 90% Customer’s Satisfaction: A Case Study of Thammasat University Library. PULINET Journal, 10(1), 79–89. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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