Electronic Complimentary Books’ Management

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Nattaporn Juydath
Thepparat Hanwaree


The Office of Documentation and Information, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University launched the initial project of format modification for complimentary books into electronic form in order to keep up with modern trend. The management can be divided into 2 parts as: considering two kinds of electronic complimentary books by its types, general books and yearbooks, its policy of electronic complimentary books’ procedure, distribution’s consent form and allowance of copyright for downloading and distributing. It found that the electronic form can reduce the duration of procedure within 11 from 22 minutes. Furthermore, this kind of books can be easily accessed through online system such as library website, facebook as well as library application.

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How to Cite
Juydath, N. ., & Hanwaree, T. (2023). Electronic Complimentary Books’ Management. PULINET Journal, 10(1), 68–78. retrieved from https://so14.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/PJ/article/view/140
Academic Articles


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