Knowledge Transfer on Organic Agriculture by Providing Academic Services to the Community of Maejo University Library
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Working with the Institute of Agricultural Technology and Innovation Management (SorTor.) In 2022, there was a meeting with all 3 parties, with the following conclusions and actions: 1) A working group was appointed under the MOU 2 project. Establishment of a cooperation website 3) Establishment of a farmer database 4) Training is a hybrid training 2 times, namely 1) on “farm management for the production of quality organic vegetables” 2) on “Producing quality vegetable seeds and learning relevant laws” and achieving objectives 1. Able to transfer Maejo University's knowledge of organic agriculture to the community. by organizing 2 training sessions. 2. To provide academic services to the library community. Mae Jo University Through training management using skills, knowledge, ability to manage training in a hybrid format, setting up various equipment that will be used in live broadcasts. Makes people more convenient to access the training courses. It requires immediate problem-solving skills to work smoothly in situations with many constraints, such as equipment used in live broadcasts, audio equipment, speakers, meeting room characteristics. Internet system, etc. In working together to support the 100-year strategy (SPO) of the university. and transfer knowledge of organic agriculture Promoting careers for farmers which corresponds to the changing context of the country in terms of sustainable development goals in the Eradication of Poverty (SDG)
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