5 Strategies to Enhance Digital Competencies of KKU Library’s Staff for Future Skills Improvement
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The rapid change in the digital age has made the government plan to develop digital citizens. Khon Kaen University and the library agree too about the importance of developing staff to have more digital skills. To increase work skills in the future where digital technology will the holds key to anything KKU Library’s administrators was set it up as an important project on the KKU library strategy plan. This study define the objectives as follows: 1) To study strategies for promoting digital skills of KKU library personnel. 2) To study digital competence of KKU library personnel. This study using the Design thinking concept for job development. The result found 5 strategies as a key success for digital skill improvement were follows 1) Developing digital skills according to their leisure 2) Developing digital skills necessary for work 3) Developing digital skills according with role model 4) Knowledge management 5) Encouraging people to recognize the importance of digital performance test. The result was found from the digital test as KKU Library was the 19th of all departments in Khon Kaen University, and 88.33% was the staff who pass the criteria. The key success factors in this project were the Administrator’s policy focused on improving the library staff’s competencies. Upon comparing the score with the same department where the staff work to academic support, It was found that the average digital competency score of KKU library staff was in the group “very high-level performance above the standard”. The score shows KKU Library staff will improve on 3 topics for high digital competencies, Presentation Spreadsheets, and Word Processors.
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