Concept of Humanism-Based Ethics in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy


  • Parud Boonsriton Chiang Mai University


Ethics, Humanism, Buddhist Philosophy


Ethics is the study of human actions and behaviors that are considered desirable. These actions and behaviors are seen as the criteria for judging a person's value. Humanistic ethics emphasizes the equal importance of the body and mind, based on their reality and needs. This article discusses the significance of humanistic ethics in Buddhist philosophy. In Buddhist philosophy, there are two important components to human existence: form (rūpa) and mind (nāma), or body and mind. The term "five aggregates" (pañcakkhandha) is used to convey the meaning of human existence. The significance of human existence extends beyond the physical body to encompass the mental realm, as reflected in the definition of a human being as someone who possesses noble qualities such as mindfulness, courage, and diligence. Buddhist philosophy sets forth two levels of goals and methods for achieving those goals: worldly (lokiya) and supramundane (lokuttara). These levels allow individuals to choose the path that is most suitable for them.


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How to Cite

Boonsriton, P. (2024). Concept of Humanism-Based Ethics in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. Journal of Dhammaduta, 4(1), 18–29. retrieved from



Academic Article