The clothing of Thai monks


  • Phra Kumnoi Janjang Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Buddhist robe, Buddhism


This academic article aims to study about the clothing of monks in the Buddha. The cloth in Buddhism that the monks wear in Buddhism Called to be called in a variety of ways, most of them use the word robe or tri robe cloth, which consists of 3 pieces of cloth: 1. Uttarasong cloth 2. Antarawasaka cloth and 3. Sanghati cloth, which these clothes have evidence in various scriptures. Including in the Tripitaka by means of obtaining cloth in Buddhism is to find a piece of cloth in the forest from cloth that others no longer use sewn into robes in order to be able to ordain as a monk in Buddhism The robe cloth is regarded as the resting place of the monks. that the Buddha allowed him to wear clothes as in the Vinaya The robe is a blanket. Pha Sobong is Pha Nung, Sangkhati is Pha Phad or Thap cloth. In addition to seeking in the forest The Lord Buddha allowed the robes to be offered from other people, called the householder, and the first person to ask for them was Dr Jivaka. The appearance of the monk's robes in Buddhism is a rectangular shape. with stitches similar to the Khanna that Phra Anon had designed as the Lord Buddha told Ananda There are six types of fabric that can be sewn into robes that the Buddha allowed to be used as robes.

So, the blanket or that robe regarded as an important factor for monks in Buddhism because it is the main factor in identifying the characteristics of being a monk in Buddhism and made him aware of the meaning of clothes in Theravada Buddhism, the evidence of these garments appears in various scriptures. Including in the Tripitaka, the way of dressing of Thai monks has a unique style of dressing. No matter which country you go to What color cloth are you wearing? You will immediately know that they are monks from Thailand because of their unique clothing. The Theravada monks in Thailand are clothed in 4 images as follows: (1) Robe (2) Dragon robe (3) Cover the shoulders across the shoulders (4) Dong


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How to Cite

Janjang, P. K. (2024). The clothing of Thai monks. Journal of Dhammaduta, 1(2), 89–101. retrieved from



Academic Article