Creating Motivation for Compassion in Thai Society According to Buddhist Principles


  • Phrakhru Pariyattiphatcharadhamma Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Motivation, Metta, Thai society, Buddhist principles


This article is intended to study the doctrine of the Lord Buddha. About compassion Which is one important principle, abstract characteristics Which is the power of true love in creating great virtue The spread of compassion is something that ancient graduates treat each other in order. Because he saw the benefit that This kindness will make the practitioner regularly gentle and gentle. Can cool down and make it visible that human hope for one another can lead the world to peace 

That mercy Is an important doctrine and practice One of Buddhism Appears in the Brahma Temple, which consists of compassion. Please the leg manpower is considered special, different from other sets of Buddhas because it can be spread. Send to boundless things Without limitations, which have 3 practices: unfolding without specificity (noodility) radiating (Otis Pray) and radiating to the direction (Titus Prayana) For that reason, compassion hasVarious negative practices, such as spreading to enemies or positively, are spread to themselves. As well as things throughout the universe. Covering all dimensions from the secondary human world, the world, the world, until the world prom

Buddhists in Thai society are familiar with the spread of compassion and practice on a daily basis. Both monks and laymen and, for example, after completing the prayer, the prayers always end with compassion. Prayers for Thailand Pray across the year to welcome them.


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How to Cite

Phrakhru Pariyattiphatcharadhamma. (2024). Creating Motivation for Compassion in Thai Society According to Buddhist Principles. Journal of Dhammaduta, 1(1), 33–40. Retrieved from



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