A Comparison Living Well in the Age of COVID-19 in Theravada Buddhism


  • Phra Jeerasak Tikakviro Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Quality of Life, Covid-19 Decease, Theravada Buddhism


This article aims to study the concept of morality in Buddhist scriptures in the context of living through the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact. Through the examination of documents and research, it was found that the moral concepts in Buddhist scriptures are diverse. In the Dhammapada, it is stated that faith is the most precious treasure, bringing the highest joy to humans. Good conduct leads to happiness, and truthfulness is more beneficial than falsehood. Wise individuals recognize that a virtuous life is the most precious. They can overcome obstacles through faith, avoid wrongdoing through mindfulness, endure suffering with patience, and achieve purity through wisdom. In Buddhism, understanding the impermanence of the world and using mindfulness to perceive it are crucial. The world is something to be sensed, and understanding the nature of all things is essential. Using consciousness to determine what happens and using wisdom to evaluate are ways to heal when one faces illness.

While facing the COVID-19 virus, practicing mindfulness and understanding the truth of the world according to Buddhist teachings can help protect against it. Considering information with wisdom, having mindfulness, maintaining physical health, and keeping a calm heart ready to face challenges can help navigate through the COVID-19 situation.


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How to Cite

Tikakviro, P. J. (2024). A Comparison Living Well in the Age of COVID-19 in Theravada Buddhism. Journal of Dhammaduta, 1(1), 25–32. retrieved from https://so14.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Dhammaduta/article/view/589



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