Adaptive Leadership: The Challenging of Local Government Executives


  • Pakchuda Poonsuwan Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Adaptive Leadership, Local Government, Local Executives


Advanced communication technology in the current situation, there are changes in 4 dimensions; social, economic, cultural, and environmental. These changes result in various agencies or organizations having to adapt to the situation. Especially, the role of the organization leader need to different leadership from the traditional model. Here is the adaptive leadership of local government executives. This article aimed to help local government executives to be open to new perspectives that will strengthen their leadership in order to change local government organizations to set a new direction for quality administration. There are 4 challenges: New Mindset, Engaged Communication, Listening & Caring, and Leading by Example.


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How to Cite

Poonsuwan, P. (2023). Adaptive Leadership: The Challenging of Local Government Executives. Journal of Dhammaduta, 3(1), 22–31. retrieved from



Academic Article