Political Development and People’s Awareness in Elections


  • Pronchai Sansuwan Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Political development, Political Awakening, Elections


This article is to study in order to political development and political awareness in elections. For example, a new politics that wants to disclose information that emphasizes the public is important. and this electoral awareness will play a key role in pointing out that the election will focus on the older generation. or the new generation to enter the country effective political development involves many important factors that make politics develop. politics is about modernization. And most importantly, in this election, it will be a victory for the democratic party or the authoritarian party.


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How to Cite

Sansuwan, P. (2023). Political Development and People’s Awareness in Elections. Journal of Dhammaduta, 3(1), 12–21. retrieved from https://so14.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Dhammaduta/article/view/480



Academic Article