Community Development in Recycled Waste Management by Monks


  • Phra Thirawat Bhaddadhammo


the role of the clergy, Community development with recycled waste


From past to present from the situation of the outbreak of COVID-19 have a wide impact on people within the community The roles and duties of the monks towards the community began to diminish. And directly affecting temples that used to play an important role in building good relationships between temples and communities. The monks act as intermediaries for everyone in the community to participate in various activities. in order to develop communities to be more livable and sustainable by providing knowledge and understanding of the process of waste management properly. as well as changing the way of life in the new era By applying the concept with the 3 R principles, with the way of thinking according to the Buddhist principles in living life with the 7 Sappuridhamma teachings, which can be considered Whoever is regarded as a good person in Buddhism be reasonable Knowing how to use thought in action, progress with the principles of prosperity in life, which are the four disciples, and the principles for successful work must be committed to morality, having the four powers of power. School (Baworn) within the community, monks must adopt the concept and methods of recycling waste disposal. which the monks in modern times need to adjust the context to be in line with current events with an effort to push people within the community to participate in community development. with the proper management of recyclable waste cause efficiency and effectiveness to meet the goals and maximize the benefits to people within the community for a long-term good environment


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How to Cite

Bhaddadhammo, P. T. (2024). Community Development in Recycled Waste Management by Monks. Journal of Dhammaduta, 3(2), 100–111. Retrieved from



Academic Article