Developing a model for collaborative learning activities


  • Sakda Nganman Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Developing an Event Format, Collaborative Learning


The design of learning management is important for teachers to consider and pay attention to. The teacher should consider the course and topic. that they will teach to lead to the development of learners that they want to develop learners with what techniques At present, most of the teachers have a student-centered instructional design. Corresponding to the 21st century era that focuses on the learner's learning process through hands-on practice and leads to lifelong learning. It is an instructional management that divides the learners into small groups. Group members have different abilities. There was an exchange of opinions and mutual support. and have shared responsibilities both personally and collectively in order for the group to achieve success in accordance with the set goals The teaching and learning management that the instructor arranges for learners to be divided into small groups of about 4-6 students so that learners can learn by working together. help each other and jointly responsible for the work in the assigned group for the success of the group This academic article, the author aims to present. Definition of collaborative learning management The importance of collaborative learning management Cooperative learning management model role of teachers in collaborative learning management The benefits of collaborative learning management


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How to Cite

Nganman, S. (2024). Developing a model for collaborative learning activities. Journal of Dhammaduta, 3(2), 76–88. retrieved from



Academic Article