Development Process of Legislation: A Case Study on the Council of Thai Buddhist Monks of the United Kingdom and Ireland


  • Phrakhruthammathon Tevaprapas Makklay Wat Sriratanaram Manchester, United Kingdom


Guidelines for Legislative Development, Governance of Thai Monastic Communities Abroad, The Council of Thai Buddhist Monks of the United Kingdom and Ireland


This study aims to 1) examine guidelines and proposals for development, 2) develop procedures and processes for drafting regulations for the Council of Thai Buddhist Monks of the United Kingdom and Ireland, and 3) present the outcomes of developing regulations for Thai Dhammaduta organizations abroad. The research was conducted in the United Kingdom and Ireland using a mixed-methods approach, collecting data from relevant documents, participatory observations, interviews, and workshops. Key informants included abbots, Dhammaduta monks, chairpersons, and members of Thai temple charitable organizations across four regions in two countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, involving a total of 20 monks. The appropriateness of findings was validated through quantitative research using 60 questionnaires distributed in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and the data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and focused group discussions involving 10 participants.

The findings revealed that:

(1) The promulgation of monastic administrative regulations by Dhammaduta monks abroad should be adapted from the Thai Sangha Supreme Council’s regulations, ensuring consistency and non-contradiction with local laws while addressing the six administrative areas of the Thai monastic system. The drafting process should align with the common law system and the British parliamentary tradition.

(2) The drafting process for the regulations of the Council of Thai Buddhist Monks of the United Kingdom and Ireland utilized a clearly defined legislative process, including approval by the President of the Council of Thai Buddhist Monks of the United Kingdom and Ireland, the establishment of a subcommittee for drafting, and section-by-section deliberations. The content adhered to Thai Sangha laws and local foreign laws, facilitating public services, governance, and dissemination, with an emphasis on decentralization, transparency, participation, and accountability in line with international norms and local customs. Flexibility and adaptability to contemporary circumstances were emphasized to promote organizational unity.

(3) The researchers and Dhammaduta monks collaboratively developed and proposed the regulations, which were unanimously approved during an extraordinary session of the Council of Thai Buddhist Monks of the United Kingdom and Ireland in March 2024. The regulations, comprising six chapters and 56 sections, were promulgated as the Regulations of the Council of Thai Buddhist Monks of the United Kingdom and Ireland B.E. 2567 (2024). An evaluation conducted in August 2024 revealed highest overall satisfaction among Dhammaduta monks with the new regulations (X=3.616, S.D. = 0.244).


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How to Cite

Makklay, P. T. (2025). Development Process of Legislation: A Case Study on the Council of Thai Buddhist Monks of the United Kingdom and Ireland. Journal of Dhammaduta, 4(2), 76–93. retrieved from



Research Article