PULINET Journal 2024-11-12T00:00:00+07:00 ผศ.ดร.สมพร ช่วยอารีย์ Open Journal Systems JFK Human Library: A Service of Sharing Knowledge to The Community Through Living Books 2024-03-06T10:04:09+07:00 Salisa Leamsuwan Kittisak Keawneam Nuttaya Tinpun Komgrit Rumdon Kamonthip Longha Kolsmat Pogjanawanit Nuriyah Dasae Jutarat Panphadung <p>The JFK Human Library Service is offered by the John F. Kennedy Library, Office of Academic Resources, at Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus. The service aims to: (1) establish the JFK Human Library as a living library, fostering a community of knowledge sharing; (2) gather and distribute knowledge, fostering new experiences in accessing personal knowledge beyond library resources; (3) develop innovative and proactive services within the Office of Academic Resources, promoting academic services to society according to the mission of the university; and (4) assess user satisfaction with the JFK Human Library system. The results of the operation can transform knowledge within a person into a living book, totaling 33 items, such as research, teaching, language, sports, agriculture, life skills, finance, music, information technology, handicrafts, and more. Additionally, it can also generate value through the following ways: (1) by transferring people's knowledge into human books; (2) by creating a space for knowledge exchange between writers and readers; (3) by providing satisfaction through the use of the JFK Human Library service; and (4) by expanding knowledge into the community as a knowledge repository and creating income-generating jobs for both writers and readers. In 2023, fifteen activities were conducted, and 438 people participated, resulting in the highest level of overall satisfaction (<img id="output" src="\bar{x}" alt="equation" /> = 4.87, S.D. = 0.26).</p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Efficient Space Management through a Reserved Seat Reading System 2024-04-24T12:07:28+07:00 Thammarat Phanphai Phitsanu Jaikla Chaiyasit Angkapunyadech <p>The practice of reserving seats for reading is common in university library spaces, especially during high-demand exam periods. Pre-booked seats go unused at these times and other library visitors cannot be accommodated upon arrival, negatively affecting reading space availability and user satisfaction. To address this issue, the Thammasat University library adopted the Design Thinking Process as an instrument to develop a seating reservation system to optimize shared space usage. The system includes processes for checking seat availability and reservations, user confirmation, and reservation cancellation. It aligns with user behavior, boosting confidence that seats will be available if specific rules and guidelines are followed. This approach helps the library manage seat usage effectively and reduces user complaints, enhancing overall satisfaction with the library experience. In a survey, users expressed an 81.09% satisfaction rate with the reserved seat reading system.</p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Improving The Efficiency of Information Collection and Dissemination on The Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository 2024-04-18T10:05:15+07:00 Sunee Chatsiriyingyong Suraporn Kongphol Wanphen Srijankul <p>Improving the efficiency of information collection and dissemination on the Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository (KUKR) is a repository management process that developing a further data entry system for the repository, which reduces system limitations and facilitates user self-data entry anywhere and at any time.<br />The KUKR Input system was developed based on problem and obstacle analysis, user recommendations by any channel, and operation planning according to the meeting conclusions. Before being activated, the system has been developed, tested, and rechecked, and there is system training and promotion on social media platforms such as Facebook and Line. After that, collect system problems by user, analyze, and describe the outcomes of operations and problems encountered while using the system to improve the system's efficiency and better satisfy the demands of users.<br />Results of the development of the KUKR Input by a self-data input system, when compared with the KUKR Data Entry was found that the data processing from imported until disseminated has been reduced from 11 steps to 6 steps, reducing the limitations of the earlier system, which only had the data depositor of each institution assigned to import the data. By developing channels for work owners to manually import data. Upload publication files and grant the authorization to publish the work at any time, which accelerates the process of collecting and disseminating information in the Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository. The total number of users is 173, and the total number of records entered in the system is 515. According to user satisfaction assessments of the KUKR input system, the overall quality had an excellent level mean of 4.58 and with the standard deviation of 0.58.</p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Developing STOU Identity Video Podcast for Promote Lifelong Learning 2024-04-18T10:06:41+07:00 Ratchakon Kongjaroen Duangrat Dikhua <p>The Office of Documentation and Information (ODI) of Sukhothai Thammatirat Open University. Its vision is to be an open university library that focuses on providing excellent services for lifelong learning. Therefore, it is important to develop new media to support learning in line with service users in the Digital Disruption era, where technology plays an increasingly important role in learning behavior. Therefore, it is an important concept in developing the STOU's identity information video podcast media with the objectives: 1) to produce digital media to support lifelong learning that can be accessed quickly and conveniently Anywhere, Anytime, and can be learned along with other activities. 2) To disseminate and promote awareness of information about STOU's identity to be more widely known under the program name STOU Storian Podcast, distributed through A variety of platforms, divided into 2 formats: Audio Podcast and Video Podcast. In the program production process, the process is as follows. pre-production preparation stage, production stage, and post-production stage.<br />The results of the operation resulted in a new digital media in the form of video podcasts. Achieved the goal of 1 story/month, with viewing statistics on all platforms totaling 22,134 times. STOU Storian Podcast was ranked on the first page of searches on Google for 2 episodes, and viewers were overall satisfied with the program at a satisfactory level. the most Including showing positive participation by liking, sharing, and commenting. and participating in marketing promotion activities through the library's social media.</p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal The Thammasat University Library Integrated Human Resource Management System (TULIB-HR) 2024-03-25T16:15:25+07:00 Oranuch Sri-in Anyanitha Distanont Orapan Khongmalai <p>This research developed an integrated human resource management system and studied user satisfaction to plan future improvements and develop system efficiency. Lean theory was applied to set goals and analyze current work processes to eliminate waste in resource and budget processes as well as decrease delays. Two development rounds were conducted according to the Deming cycle to achieve continuous development. Each development round was completed and a system satisfaction survey conducted, with user satisfaction survey results applied to achieve highest efficiency in system use. Results were that developing the Thammasat University Library Integrated Human Resource Management System (TULIB-HR) reduced the time required to disburse health welfare payments by 50%; time entry system procurement budget; paper resource costs by 100%; and health benefit submission forms by 100 %. User satisfaction with the developed system overall average 4.73 was at the highest level, representing a 14.53</p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal "Local Multiple Intelligence” Creative And Sustainable Knowledge for The Community 2024-03-06T10:03:19+07:00 Chollada Hongngam Kanlayanee S upadit <p>“Local multi-intelligence” is the local wisdom accumulated from villagers and local savants in a region. STOU Library staffs have been systematically categorizing the information through our professional knowledge in managing information. Book publishing processes also play a role in arranging and developing it into books aiming to make these heritages sustainable and to be a model for other organizations to manage local wisdom in their areas. The processes start with creating contents, book publishing and publicizing the work. Developing local wisdom into books format can be beneficial in two ways. 1)To make the knowledge sustainable in the format of books and e-book 2) To be a model for other organizations to manage local wisdom in their areas. The knowledge collected in the format of books can be used as a reference and expanded to other wisdoms.</p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Enhancing Library User Query Response Efficiency through AI Chatbot Development using Dialogflow Tools 2024-05-07T17:40:43+07:00 Akarima Soommart Nitiya Srivoradetpaisal Rapeepat Piyanate Peranat Chantaraniyom Visarut Kilalay Kanda Saikaew <p>Khon Kaen University Library has implemented an automated question-and-answer system using the Dialogflow tool through the LINE Chatbot application. The KKU Library Chatbot has been used since November 2565 and has recorded statistics from November 2565 to August 2566, totaling 9 months. During this period, there were a total of 2,485 user interactions, averaging 276 interactions per month. Additionally, user satisfaction was evaluated to improve the LINE Official service to better meet user needs. The results from using the KKU Library Chatbot as a replacement for human operators in answering questions through the LINE Official channel showed a significant reduction in the number of human operators. Previously, there were 2 operators working 8 hours per day, but with the implementation of the 100% automated chatbot system, only 3 hours per month were needed for data verification and monitoring. Furthermore, comparing the number of answers provided by human operators via LINE with those provided by the chatbot in the same month of two different years (2022 and 2023), it was found that the chatbot provided three times more answers than the human operators. This demonstrates that the AI Chatbot can effectively replace human operators, assisting in answering repetitive questions continuously for 24 hours. These findings are consistent with the overall user satisfaction rating of 89.7% for the KKU Library Chatbot service.</p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal The Process of Developing English Communication Skills for Library Staff in Collaboration with the Foreign Affairs Division, Khon Kaen University 2024-04-29T11:00:30+07:00 Yaowaporn Santiwiwat Siriporn Tiwasing Supat Sinawat Junrat Sitthisomjin <p>Khon Kaen University recognizes the importance of developing English Communication skills and has implemented strategies to enhance the efficiency of its workforce. The university emphasizes teamwork and cross-cultural abilities, aiming to become a globally recognized institution. The Khon Kaen University Library has collaborated with the International Affairs Office to implement the "Chit Chat in KKU Workplace" project, which involves hosting international students from 2565-2566 academic year. The project incorporates design thinking concepts in its activities and follows a 12 step workflow divided into three phases: pre-activity, during the activity, and post-activity. The outcomes of the project include: (1) more than 80% of participants meeting the training duration criteria or completing at least 60 hours of activity, (2) five personnel from non-service departments participating as committee members in international relations, and (3) more than 85% of participants expressing satisfaction with the project and having a high average satisfaction rating.</p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal A Study of Students’ Learning Achievement and Satisfaction towards the Course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation of the Office of Academic Resources, Prince of Songkla University 2024-03-20T14:56:33+07:00 Komgrit Rumdon Nuttaya Tinpun Jutarat Panphadung Salasa Leamsuwan Kolsmat Pojjanawanit Nusra Tokse Khanitsorn Rakjitr Anupap Duangnim Kwannate Poonyatavon Anan Kareng Ihsan Suetae <p>This research aims to 1) compare learning achievement before and after learning the course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation, and 2) study satisfaction with the course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation. The sample group was undergraduate students at Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus, who enrolled in the course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation during the 1<sup>st</sup> semester in 2021 academic year through the 2nd semester in 2022 academic year, a total of 3 semesters, amounting to 208 people. The study tools included: 1) the learning plan for the course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation, 2) achievement tests before and after learning, and 3) a satisfaction assessment form for learning. The statistical methods employed for data analysis included percentages, means, standard deviations, and t-tests. The results of study found that: 1) the learning achievements of the course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation before and after learning had average scores of 21.50 and 29.23 respectively. Comparing the scores before and after learning, it was found that the learning achievement after learning was higher than before learning at the statistical significance level of .01, and 2) satisfaction towards the course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation was overall at a high level <br />( <img id="output" src="\bar{x}" alt="equation" /> = 4.34).</p> 2024-11-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Development of Document Control System to Support ISO 14001: 2015 Standard (MFU Smart ISO) 2024-03-04T14:24:56+07:00 Rakphao Theppan Saovanee Kanta <p>The Learning Resources and Educational Media Centre, Mae Fah Luang University, has implemented an environmental management system in compliance with the ISO 14001: 2015 standard. This initiative requires an effective document management system to ensure comprehensive storage of documents related to environmental management. The system is designed to facilitate systematic document management and control at every stage, allowing staff to access the required documents conveniently and quickly. This ensures that the obtained documents are consistently under control. In response to this requirement, the team has developed the "MFU Smart ISO" document management system. The system utilizes open source programming tools, incorporating the .NET Core framework for the Backend, MySQL for the database, and Angular Framework for the Frontend. The team has researched similar commercially available systems and customized the requirements and capabilities for the developed system. The in-house development of the system allows the team to align the design with the organization operations. The user interface can be tailored to meet the operational needs of the staff, facilitating document management for quick and efficient access. The study, which compared the developed document control system with commercially available systems, revealed that the developed system can manage and control documents with essential features relatively comprehensively. As a result, the Learning Resources and Educational Media Centre has been awarded ISO 14001: 2015 certification by assessment editors for the presentation of digital documents stored in the MFU Smart ISO system, which markedly reduces the reliance on paper resources for document printing. Furthermore, there are expectations that the developed document control system will be used in the future to support the establishment of a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015 standards.</p> 2024-11-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Brand Awareness Building Through Student Activities: A Case Study of MSU Library Open House Project Academic Resource Center, Mahasarakham University 2024-06-26T15:56:54+07:00 Jatupon Ratcharueangwong <p>The Academic Resources Center, Mahasarakham University create an organizational awareness process for new students at the beginning of the new semester by organizing various activities and projects for new students to have awareness, understanding of information, and access to various services of the Academic Resources Center. The results of problem and needs study from the activities organized in the academic year 2022 revealed that students had a desire for the Academic Resources Center to</p> <p>organize activities that were time-saving. The activities should relieve stress, not be boring, and the atmosphere should be lively. Therefore, in the academic year 2023, the Academic Resources Center applied the concept of creating organization awareness, resulting in a different process of creating organization awareness. This process was used in organizing the project: MSU Library Open House: Knowledge Infinity. The results of the project evaluation found that students had the highest level of awareness of the organization and were satisfied with the overall organization of the event, with an average of 4.55. It was also found that the Academic Resource Center had a high proportion of new students entering the service. 70 percent of the total number of service users and a random inquiry found that most students know about the Academic Resource Center from organizing activities in this project.</p> 2024-11-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Enhancing Information Management: Automated Seamless Data Integration from Ethesis System to Library Management System of Kasetsart University Library 2024-01-29T11:29:14+07:00 Apiyos Rienvipattana Pensupa Kaewpitthayaporn Sompop Nu-on <p>Enhancing Information Management by automating data integration between Ethesis and Integrated Library System of Kasetsart University Library aimed to develop a system that automatically synchronizes data between Ethesis and Integrated Library System. This would enhance the efficiency of information resource management. Data integration of Ethesis with Integrated Library System involved study, analysis, design, and development of the system using Python3 programming language to automatically integrate the data. Testing the program with data 1,905 records from the DSpace repository from 2020 to 2023 revealed accurate integration results and a batch recording process could be used instead of individual entries to reduce the number of entries in the data. System development problems were observed in recording data in MARC21 format. DSpace repository data were not always accurate and complete. This led to errors in the data transformation process. In addition, once the data had been automatically recorded into Integrated Library System, they were immediately published in the WebOPAC without undergoing verification from staff. There should be an automatic addition of a "Suppressed" status to the data that have been recorded into Integrated Library System. This will enable staff to review the data before it is available to public. Furthermore, Ethesis was developed using DSpace version 5.4. Upgrading the version is recommended since there have been advancements in development up to version 7.6.</p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Developing Online Course with Gamification 2024-07-10T14:53:34+07:00 Suntaree Peerapanit Wipada Duangkid Nachayada Tamroo Sangduan Kammeesawang <p>The library's aim is to improve the quality and engagement of online learning by applying gamification concepts. The library uses a gamified learning management format to stimulate and motivate learners. The process followed combines Design Thinking and the Addie Model. The main objective is to criteria, and a design strategy. This includes content and presentation design, structured as a Visual Novel-style game. H5P tools are used to develop online materials that support multimedia formats. The online learning content is made on two platforms. The MFU Academy platform, which covers registration, pre-test, post-test, and course completion certificates, And the MFU Digital Learning (MDL) platform, which provides access to develop the course with H5P tools. The system is tested by students, and overall satisfaction ratings are highly positive across all three areas: content, teaching materials, and assessment methods.</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Expanding the Benefits of Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository to Support Lifelong Learning 2024-06-10T11:22:07+07:00 Chalermdej Taterian Supannee Hongthong Thiranan Damrongsorn <p>Expanding benefits of Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository aimed to disseminate and transfer knowledge in the field of agriculture and specialized fields of Kasetsart University, to be a learning resource, and to support lifelong learning that citizens can access anywhere, anytime. The results of the work were as follows: 1) Extracted, analyzed, and classified Kasetsart University's knowledge into 7 categories, including agriculture, technical work, business work, invention/creative work, service work, food/beverage work, and others. And developed API that connects data to Knowledge Base for Learning. 2) Extracted knowledge and developed the Lifelong-Learning Knowledge Base in 12 areas, including rice, mango, bamboo, herbs, mushrooms, fisheries, durian, beef cattle, dairy cows, buffalo, catfish, and tilapia. The results of the evaluation of satisfaction of Lifelong-Learning Knowledge Base, the overall satisfaction was at a good level at an average of 4.13 and the most satisfaction topic was the usefulness of the information received and the speed of the system.</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Creating a Valuable Experience in Library Tours Through the Metaverse Exhibition 2024-07-10T15:38:07+07:00 Thidarat Aphinyanon Nitiya Srivoradetpaisal Akarima Soommart Yupa Duangphim Nattaon Leawprasert <p>The Customer Experience Management (CEM) process for the reception and guided tour service at Khon Kaen University Library focuses on understanding the overall experience of visitors, meeting the needs of target groups, and creating a valuable and memorable experience for visitors. It consists of the following steps:1) Customer Experience Analysis: Using past satisfaction assessments and feedback to improve service delivery. 2) Customer Experience Framework: Defining the scope of operations and clear responsibilities for the reception team. 3) Service/Business Experience Design: Determining suitable library tour spots that cover all services, developing the English language skills of tour guides, and organizing visitor care teams to ensure adequate coverage. 4) Customer Touchpoint Design: Setting tour durations based on designated tour spots to ensure all points are covered. 5) Continuous Innovation: Implementing virtual reality technology to create an immersive experience through the "KKU Library Visitors Exhibition" which showcases photos and videos from visits. The exhibition has received over 367 visits and positive feedback from impressed visitors who expressed interest in returning. The evaluation of the operation's satisfaction in the fiscal year 2022-2023 showed an increase in the number of visitors to 32 (1,059 people) compared to the fiscal year 2022, which had 20 visits (484 people). In addition to the increased visitation rate, four organizations returned for repeat study visits. This indicates that the library's valuable experience has impressed visitors regarding the tour guide team, the tour environment, and the visitors' willingness to return for repeat visits.</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal The Development of Online Learning Media on Agriculture and the Environment to Support Lifelong Learning 2024-07-04T13:20:35+07:00 Sasiya Keawnuy <p>Kasetsart University Library has produced educational media on agriculture and the environment under the program name “Yoo Din Kin Dee,” (Thriving on the Land: Cultivating Success) which is broadcast across 4 regions nationwide. The program aims to develop online learning media in agriculture and the environment that benefit students, staff, and the general public. It supports Kasetsart University's educational personnel in disseminating their knowledge to society, enabling the public to apply this knowledge to develop careers and improve their quality of life. The program also aims to enhance access to the library's information services, particularly in agriculture and environmental information. From April 2021 to June 2024, 37 topics were covered. The top five most-viewed topics are: “How to Grow Green Chiretta,” with 133,787 views and 111 comments; “Growing Fruit Trees in Containers,” with 117,819 views and 72 comments; “Producing Low-Cost Fish Food,” with 42,966 views and 32 comments; “How to Grow Guavas for High Yield?” with 40,355 views and 38 comments; and “New High-Yield Peanut Varieties,” with 14,826 views and 37 comments.</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Development Process of Digital Competencies for the Khon Kaen University Library's Staff 2024-05-20T09:41:04+07:00 Sudavadee Chaidajthayakul Siriporn Tiwasing Yuwadee Phetchara Maethaya Saomalee Supat Sinawat Junrat Sitthisomjin <p>This study's objectives were (1) to study the development process of digital competencies for library staff (2) To have the guidelines for practice in the HRD Process. It studied the work patterns of the Personnel Development Committee between 2021-2023. Method of operation (1) Studying the work pattern in the fiscal year 2021-2023 (2) Summary of the results of the work on promoting digital competency of the Personnel Development Committee (3) Set up operational processes that are good practices for the Human Resources Development Committee in promoting the development of digital competencies for personnel. The results of operations were (1) an 8-step digital competency development process was obtained, 81.22 percent of personnel passed the digital skills exam which is higher than the target value (40 percent), organizing 22 internal courses necessary for operations. (2) Operational guidelines should promote digital self-development that uses more personal budget allocation. It was found that only a small number of personnel used the budget for this aspect of development. Things that must be considered in operations are emergency situations, such as changing the criteria for passing a test. To design and set plans for the next fiscal year.</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Development of Document Delivery System for Document Delivery Service Central Library of King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok 2024-03-06T10:02:32+07:00 Navarat Phokiew <p>The document delivery service process with the developed system includes the following steps: (1) Service providers and users access the system using the university's account. (2) Users input details of requested items and submit requests. (3) Administrator adjust statuses and review user-submitted requests. (4) Administrator upload document files, and update the status to indicate successful processing (5) Users download the requested documents. The researchers used questionnaires to collect user satisfaction data regarding the document delivery service provided through the developed system. The questionnaires were distributed to 50 users who interacted with the system. The research findings indicated that the electronic document system is effective, with different functionalities tailored to three distinct roles: super administrator, administrator, and users. Through trial usage and system improvement before full deployment, adjustments were made to align with user requirements, resulting in high overall user satisfaction ratings ( <img id="output" src="\bar{x}" alt="equation" /> = 4.71, S.D. = 0.59).</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Analysis of the Relevance of the Faculty of Science, Mahidol University’s Course Resources in Undergraduate Programs (Thai) and Stang Mongkolsuk Library’s Resources 2024-04-05T15:14:48+07:00 Sompop Sansomboonsuk <p>The research purpose is to analyze the language and age group of the course resources and analyze the relevance of course resources and library resources in Stang Mongkolsuk Library. This involves comparing the quantity, language and age group of the resources. The research’s operation collected course information from the Programme Specification (TQF.2) 2023 and information of course resources of the TQF.3 section.6 from Data Transmission and Storage System for Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education System and compared it with library resources. The study found that there are 519 courses, with 344 courses having data on resources, and a total of 1,242 course resources, 84.70% are in English and 15.30% in Thai. An analysis by age group found that almost aged 20 and above (38.56%). Regarding the availability status of course resources, 78.42% of the course resources are available in any library, while 21.85% are not. Specifically, 75.36% are available in Stang Mongkolsuk Library, 18.28% are available in Mahidol University Library Network, and 6.37% are available electronically. In terms of language relevance, 56.65% are in English and 72.63% are in Thai. In terms of age group relevance, the library has course resources that are mostly 6-10 years old (31.34%). In conclusion, the study indicates that the relevance of the language of course materials available in the Stang Mongkolsuk Library supports the faculty's strategy for international education. For the age group of course materials, those over 20 years old are most frequently used for TQF.3, while the library's course materials are mostly 6-10 years old, which is suitable for reference in science and technology. The findings can guide updates to the curriculum and assist in planning the acquisition and promotion of new course materials available in the library. It also encourages course instructors to suggest new resources for the library.</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal Promoting and Analyzing the Recording of Digital Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository 2024-05-07T17:35:10+07:00 Jinnapat Chuenchomnoy <p>The objective of this research was to promote and analyze the recording of Kasetsart University’s digital knowledge bank. The statistics used were to find frequencies and percentages from the Kasetsart University digital knowledge base database of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, a total of 1,043 items, (as of March 8, 2024). Results of promoting the recording of work in the digital knowledge bank from the preparation of infographic media, recording of work and dissemination to teachers and personnel of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science was found that the number of digital knowledge repositories continually increased every year, First, as of March 4, 2022, there were 528 items. This was followed by 805 items as of January 18, 2023, and 1,043 items as of March 8, 2024. In total, there was an increase of 515 items. And analysis of the recording of digital knowledge bank from type analysis was found that the work of Kasetsart University's digital knowledge bank, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science has the highest number as follows: Thai language, 602 items (57.71 percent), journal articles, 509 items (48.80 percent), research works, 962 items (92.24 percent), publication year 2019, 133 items (12.75 percent). The comparative analysis of data from usage statistics found that the highest system usage statistics were in 2023, the number of visitors was 63,942 times (49.70 percent) and the number of downloads was 9,327 times (46.89 percent). Therefore, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science Library has been continuously promoted the recording of work in the digital knowledge bank, This could enhance access through multiple channels for lecturers, students, and the public to use for various purposes, including as a valuable reference source at both national and international levels.</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PULINET Journal