Guidelines and standards for determining disciplinary penalties for plagiarism of research work by lecturers affiliated with state or autonomous higher education institutions


  • Montri Sangthong -


Plagiarism, Self-plagiarism, Disciplinary punishment


This article aims to present guidelines and standards for disciplinary penalties for research by lecturers in state or autonomous higher education institutions. In detail, the authorized person must command a penalty, to those who commit disciplinary violations, with discretionary judgment and make a decision by taking the past exercise of similar cases in its own state institutions or other state institutions of the same type. Also, this has the principle of proportionality, the rule of law, the principle of conscience, the principle of morality, and the principle of government policy. It should be done by adjusting the facts to the law in each circumstance. The main principle is that if the action is intentionally copied, or distorted, or falsely created, or the translation of others’ research into another language to be claimed as his/her own research, it may be considered a serious disciplinary offense. However, if it is done negligently or by lack of academic references. But, the researcher is involved in the research work, whether as a participant in the research, as an advisor as a committee member, or by making self-plagiarism. It may be considered a minor disciplinary offense. In addition, if it is the first offense or there is a reason to reduce the penalty, the disciplinary penalty may be waived and replaced with a warning. In some cases, research plagiarism may be considered only an unethical behavior, not a disciplinary penalty. This depends on the regulations of that higher education institution.


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How to Cite

Sangthong, M. (2024). Guidelines and standards for determining disciplinary penalties for plagiarism of research work by lecturers affiliated with state or autonomous higher education institutions . journal of business and society innovation, 1(2), 16–29. retrieved from



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