Quality of Working Life of Employees in the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank of Thailand


  • อัจฉรา นครบุรี
  • Dr.Napath Deemark -


Quality of Working Life, Employees, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank of Thailand


This research study The objectives are 1) to study the level of quality of working life of employees and 2) to compare the level of quality of working life with different personal factors. This research used quantitative research methods. The sample group used in this study were employees of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank of Thailand. In the head office, there were a total of 1,000 people, with a random sample size of 286 people. Classified by gender, age, status, education level, position, average monthly income Period of work The questionnaire is the tool used to collect data. Statistics used in the analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation. And test the hypothesis using statistics using t-test and F-test to compare two or more sample groups using analysis. One-way ANOVA.
The results of the study found that Overall, the level of quality of life at work for employees of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank of Thailand is at a moderate level. Divided into sections, it was found that Pride in the organization is at the highest level first, followed by the development of the potential of workers. and the aspect of freedom from work Their quality of life is at a moderate level, respectively. Hypothesis testing results It was found that comparing the level of quality of work life of employees It was found that employees with gender, age, marital status, education level, position, average monthly income and different working periods There are different levels of quality of life at work. Statistically significant at the level not exceeding 0.05, except for the educational level. There is no difference in quality of life at work.
Suggestions from the findings should be considered for improvement regarding remuneration. Higher winnings and bonuses. Improvements should be considered regarding the appropriate allocation of workload to employees. Consideration should be given to improving the assignment of tasks with clarity. Emphasis should be placed on the knowledge and abilities of each employee, and activities that strengthen relationships within the department should be prioritized. Follow up on the tasks assigned to you to complete on time and should pay attention to the society. Whether it is cooperation to create social benefits with other agencies.


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How to Cite

นครบุรี อ. . ., & Deemark, D. (2024). Quality of Working Life of Employees in the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank of Thailand. journal of business and society innovation, 1(2), 103–114. retrieved from https://so14.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/J-BSI/article/view/979



Research Article