Remedying or alleviating grievances or injuries related to the neglect of duty or performing the duty with unreasonable delay by local government organizations by filing a lawsuit in the Administrative Court.


  • Anucha Jindavanid -


Neglecting the duty, Performing the duty with unreasonable delay, Administrative Court


Local government organizations are administrative agencies according to Section 3 of the Act on Establishment of Administrative Courts and Administrative Court Procedure, B.E. 2542 (1999), having duties and administrative powers in using administrative power for the issuance of a by-law or order, providing public services as required or assigned by law, and maintaining in good condition the property that local government organizations utilize as instruments to execute administrative or public services to guarantee the welfare and security of the people and their possessions. Presently, numerous disputes arise due to local government organizations neglecting the duty or performing the duty with unreasonable delay. This article therefore aims to present Remedying or alleviating grievances or injuries related to the neglect of duty or performing the duty with unreasonable delay by the local government organizations by filing a lawsuit in the Administrative Court. Those who are aggrieved or injured or who may inevitably be aggrieved or injured due to neglect of duty or delays in performing duties by local administrative organizations as required by law, shall have the right to file a lawsuit in the Administrative Court for issuing a decree for the redress or alleviation of such grievance or injury or the termination of such a dispute within the timeframe stipulated by the Administrative Court.



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How to Cite

Jindavanid, A. (2024). Remedying or alleviating grievances or injuries related to the neglect of duty or performing the duty with unreasonable delay by local government organizations by filing a lawsuit in the Administrative Court. journal of business and society innovation, 1(2), 1–15. retrieved from



Review Article