A Study of Guidelines for Increasing the Proportion of Internet Banking Users at Government Savings Bank, Phahol Yothin Branch
Internet Banking, technology acceptance, Government Savings BankAbstract
This study aimed to: 1) Investigate the reasons why the number of Internet Banking sign-ups at Government Savings Bank, Phahol Yothin Branch did not meet the targets 2) Examine the relationship between personal factors and technology acceptance among customers interested in using Internet Banking at Government Savings Bank, Phahol Yothin Branch and 3) Explore ways to increase the proportion of Internet Banking users at Government Savings Bank, Phahol Yothin Branch. This study employed a mixed-method approach, beginning with the collection of Technology Acceptance Model questionnaires from 30 customers who signed up for GSB’s Internet Banking service, Mymo. The data was analyzed using: 1) Descriptive statistics, including percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation, and 2) Inferential statistics, specifically Pearson correlation. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with 11 bank employees responsible for Internet Banking services at Government Savings Bank, Phahol Yothin Branch. The results were used to analyze the causes and effects through SWOT and TOWS Matrix to determine the reasons why the number of Internet Banking sign-ups did not meet the targets. The study found that the majority of customers who signed up for Mymo were female, aged between 21-30 years, with a bachelor's degree, working in private companies with a monthly income of 20,001 – 30,000 baht. The technology acceptance level was high (x ̅ = 3.83), with customers perceiving the ease of use of Internet Banking as the highest (x ̅ = 4.27). It was also found that personal factors had no significant relationship with technology acceptance in any aspect. In summary, the primary reasons identified are the complexity of use, services not fitting daily life needs, and concerns about security. To increase the number of users, it is recommended to conduct off-site promotions led by well-trained employees. This approach would help increase the proportion of users and retain existing customers.
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