Developing Tourist Loyalty Indicators for a Museum Tourism

Developing Tourist Loyalty Indicators for a Museum Tourism


  • kroekkriat meethun National Institute of Development Administration
  • โชคชัย สุเวชวัฒนกูล


Brand Loyalty, Museum, Tourism Experience


The objective of this research is to develop indicators related to brand loyalty for a museum. This study employs qualitative research methods which is Meta – Analysis by the examination of theories, literature, and related research, to establish a foundational framework for future studies. The findings reveal that the indicators for building brand loyalty comprise revisiting, which is the frequency of tourists returning to museum-type attractions more than once; word of mouth, which is the act of tourists recommending museum-type attractions to friends or acquaintances; and share of wallet, which is the tourists' willingness to defend the museum-type attractions against negative information from other sources. These findings serve as indicators for developing new knowledge related to enhancing the value of tourism experiences in museum-type attractions. Additionally, the results can guide various related organizations in improving museum-type attractions.


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How to Cite

meethun, kroekkriat, & สุเวชวัฒนกูล . โ. (2024). Developing Tourist Loyalty Indicators for a Museum Tourism: Developing Tourist Loyalty Indicators for a Museum Tourism. journal of business and society innovation, 1(2), 78–88. retrieved from



Research Article