The Impact Of The Competencies Of Passenger Ground Services Agent On The Service Quality Of Full-Service Airlines


  • Ichayaporn Chuaychoo Panyapiwat Institute of Management


Competency, Service Quality, Full-Service Airlines, Passenger Ground Services


Nowadays, many organizations have given importance to developing the competencies of their personnel since the competency of personnel in that organization will affect the service quality and create a competitive advantage for the organization. This research therefore aims to study 1) competency level of passenger ground services agent in full-service airlines in Thailand. 2) service quality level of full-service airlines in Thailand. and 3) the influence of the competency of passenger ground services agents on the service quality of full-service airlines. Data were collected from a sample group of 419 passengers who had previously used full-service airlines operated in Thailand and the data were analyzed with descriptive statistics such as percentage, frequency, and standard deviation and inferential statistics, including correlation analysis and regression analysis.
The results of this research found that the competencies of passenger ground services agent had the highest average values was the security inspection at the boarding gate with a mean value of 4.53 (S.D. = .47). The service quality of airlines that received the highest mean value was assurance with a mean value of 4.48 (S.D. = .50). Moreover, the highest competencies of passenger ground services agent that affect the service quality of full-service airlines are; 1) Ticket facilitation with a Beta value of .680 2) Reservation service for passengers with a Beta value of .642 and 3) Security inspection at the boarding gate had a Beta value of .616 with statistical significance at the 0.01level. All 3 competencies are an influence on service quality in terms of responsiveness.


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How to Cite

Chuaychoo, I. (2024). The Impact Of The Competencies Of Passenger Ground Services Agent On The Service Quality Of Full-Service Airlines. journal of business and society innovation, 1(1), 11–26. retrieved from



Research Article