A Comparative Study of Consumer Behavior, Attitudes, and Satisfaction towards Purchasing Electrical Equipment through Online and Offline Channels in Bangkok


  • Chalita Thriyawanich มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี
  • ชุติเดช มั่นคงธรรม คณะบริหารธุรกิจ สาขาวิชาการจัดการโลจิสติกส์ มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี
  • ปรียาภรณ์ ธีรพรเลิศรัฐ คณะบริหารธุรกิจ สาขาวิชาการจัดการโลจิสติกส์ มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี
  • ชิตพงษ์ อัยสานนท์ คณะบริหารธุรกิจ สาขาวิชาการจัดการโลจิสติกส์ มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี


Consumer Behavior, Online Channels, Offline Channels, Satisfaction


This research aimed to study the behavior, attitudes, and satisfaction of consumers who purchase electrical appliances through online and offline channels in Bangkok, as well as to compare attitudes and satisfaction towards the marketing mix between these two channels. The target population consisted of 400 consumers in Bangkok aged 18 years and above, who had experience purchasing electrical appliances through both channels. Convenience sampling was used for data collection. The questionnaire used in the research had an Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) of 0.67 and an overall reliability of 0.89. Data analysis employed descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistics including paired t-test and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. The results showed that consumers exhibited significantly different behaviors, attitudes, and satisfaction levels between purchasing electrical appliances through online and offline channels, with offline channels receiving more positive evaluations in all aspects. Hypothesis testing revealed statistically significant differences (p < .001) in purchasing behavior (t = -8.734), attitudes towards the marketing mix (t = -12.456), and satisfaction (t = -10.218) between online and offline channels. Furthermore, correlation analysis found that attitudes towards the marketing mix had a strong positive relationship with satisfaction (r = 0.715, p < .01), while purchasing behavior had a moderate positive relationship with attitudes towards the marketing mix (r = 0.587, p < .01) and satisfaction (r = 0.623, p < .01). These research findings can be applied to develop effective Omni-Channel marketing strategies that integrate shopping experiences across both channels, thereby increasing consumer satisfaction and meeting consumer needs.


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How to Cite

Thriyawanich, C., มั่นคงธรรม ช. . ., ธีรพรเลิศรัฐ ป. ., & อัยสานนท์ ช. . . (2024). A Comparative Study of Consumer Behavior, Attitudes, and Satisfaction towards Purchasing Electrical Equipment through Online and Offline Channels in Bangkok. journal of business and society innovation, 1(3), 60–72. retrieved from https://so14.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/J-BSI/article/view/1048



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