Job Satisfaction Across Different Levels in Human Services Career: Staff, Supervisors, and Managers Levels


  • Jirayut Monjagapate Master’s degree student, Business Analytics and Digital Transformation, School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology
  • Settanan Wanvoraset Master’s degree student, Asian and China Studies, National Chung Hsing University


Job Satisfaction, Ordinary Least Square, Regression Analysis


This study examines work satisfaction among professionals in the human services field, focusing on 8 staff members, 10 supervisors, and 4 managers (22 participants). The findings reveal significant differences in satisfaction levels across these roles. Staff members reported low satisfaction with an average score of 2.5, while supervisors were more content with a score of 3.2, especially in understanding their duties and job descriptions. Managers, despite having an overall satisfaction score of 2.86 (all levels of human service), expressed concerns about peer relationships, which received a low score of 1.0, resulting in a lower satisfaction score of 2.75. The OLS regression analysis showed that work satisfaction is strongly influenced by opportunities for both career advancement, and responsibility for performance. This research enhances understanding of work satisfaction within the human services sector by identifying varying levels of satisfaction across staff, supervisors, and managers. It also emphasizes key factors influencing satisfaction and provides practical recommendations for improving employee well-being and engagement.


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How to Cite

Monjagapate, J., & Wanvoraset, S. (2024). Job Satisfaction Across Different Levels in Human Services Career: Staff, Supervisors, and Managers Levels. journal of business and society innovation, 1(3), 73–86. retrieved from



Research Article