Comparative Study of Attitudes Brand Image Perception and Lifestyle of People Who Choose to Use Watches for Their


  • พลอยนภัส อนันต์เดชจิรกุล มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลกรุงเทพ
  • กิตติพงษ์ โสภณธรรมภาณ อาจารย์ คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลกรุงเทพ


Health watch, perception, attitude, brand image, lifestyle


The purpose of this research was to compare image perception lifestyle and attitudes of users of health watches. The sample group used in the research was 500 consumers who use health watches, health watches in Bangkok. The researcher used questionnaires as a tool to collect data. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation for hypothesis testing, statistical One-way ANOVA. The hypothesis testing indicated that 1) Comparison of the perception of consumers of health watches in terms of attitudes classified by brands of health watches. It was found that users of health watches of different brands overall have an undifferentiated relationship with the level of awareness of attitudes. Except for the emotional aspect with different levels of perception of attitude. Statistically significant at the 0.05 level. 2) Comparison of consumer perceptions of health watches In terms of brand image, classified by health watch brand, it was found that users of health watches with different brands overall had no different levels of brand image awareness. Except for the characteristics, there was a significant difference in perception levels at the 0.05 level. 3) Comparison of lifestyles classified by health watch brands It was found that overall users of health watches with different bands had different relationships with lifestyles. Except for opinions, there were no significant differences in awareness levels at the 0.05 level.


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How to Cite

อนันต์เดชจิรกุล พ., & โสภณธรรมภาณ ก. . (2024). Comparative Study of Attitudes Brand Image Perception and Lifestyle of People Who Choose to Use Watches for Their. journal of business and society innovation, 1(3), 37–47. retrieved from



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