A Critical Study of Pāpavagga to Lokavagga in The Pāli Dhammapada: With Special References to Kaccāyanabyākarana


  • Kusala Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Nilratana Klinchan Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Narongchai Pintrymool Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Pali Grammatical, Pāpavagga to Lokavagga in the Pāli Dhammapada


This qualitative research work has three main objectives: 1) To study the Pāli Grammar of the Pāpavagga, Dhammavagga, Rajavagga, Attavagga and lokavagga in Pāli Dhammapada based on Kccayanabyakarana., 2) To analyze the Pāli Grammar of the Pāpavagga, Dhammavagga, Rajavagga, Attavagga and lokavagga in Pāli Dhammapada based on Kccayanabyakarana, and, 3) to do a critical study of the Pāpavagga, Dhammavagga, Rajavagga, Attavagga and lokavagga in Pāli Dhammapada based on Kccayanabyakarana.

The research results were found that:

The research contains a study of five vaggas starting with Pāpavagga and ending with lokavagga. These vaggas and a total of 80 verses, from verse No. 166 to No. 178, had been treated as thoroughly as possible. In Pāpavagga, the first of those treated in this chapter, there are altogether five vaggas and 12 stories relevant to the verses. Most of the verses are Vutta Gāthās, but some verses in Pāpavagga such as verses, 125,127 and 128 are Ariya Gāthās.


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How to Cite

Kusala, Klinchan, N., & Pintrymool, N. (2024). A Critical Study of Pāpavagga to Lokavagga in The Pāli Dhammapada: With Special References to Kaccāyanabyākarana. Journal of Dhammaduta, 2(1), 1–7. retrieved from https://so14.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Dhammaduta/article/view/601



Research Article