Primary school management to success


  • Phramaha Kampon Atthapalo Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Primary School Administration, Management, Factors in Primary School Management for Success


Primary school management to success Emphasis on the main goal is the quality of education. Educational and Engagement Opportunities with emphasis on the quality of teachers Because teachers are the key factor to the quality of learners. The quality of teachers will result in students having knowledge and proficiency. Morality has a lonely root of Thainess. At the same time, everyone will have access to quality education, allowing all parties to participate in education management and pushing education and learning throughout life. This will affect the competitiveness of the people in the country to increase as well. It has a framework for reform in 4 areas: the development of the quality of modern Thai people; development of new generation teachers The development of educational institutes and learning resources in the new era and the development of new management. Thai society is a society that is constantly changing in order to be in line with the era in each period. but how to make people in society have knowledge abilities and pursue a career that they are good at there must be a systematic learning under the same rules. Therefore, education is an important thing that allows people in society to achieve their goals in life. If we look back to the past, Thailand's education has its origins. which came from the royal court or palace and temple Later, when the government changed in modern times The state has played a role in education management. Until being able to manage education in the form of a school until now in studying and studying in this modern era School is like a second home for students. But in order to make the school feel like a second home and successfully manage knowledge, it requires cooperation in many areas to be successful. Before considering the elements that help management have success. The important thing that drives us is the understanding of the involvement of each party, namely administrators, budgets, teachers, students and parents. These 5 factors are important in the management and leading the elementary school to success and success.


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How to Cite

Atthapalo, P. K. (2024). Primary school management to success. Journal of Dhammaduta, 1(2), 65–74. retrieved from



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