Shantideva’s Close Placement of Mindfulness and Mehm Tim Mon’s Three Characteristics


  • Phurpa Dorji Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Close Placement of Mindfulness, Three Characteristics


Shantideva’s Close Placement of Mindfulness and Mehm Tim Mon’s Three Characteristics”

Shantideva’s practice of Close Placement of Mindfulness is incompatible with suffering. The phrase “better solution” means that the position is more rational. “The suffering” refers to any of the three kinds of sufferings: suffering of suffering, suffering of change, and pervasive suffering. Mehm Tim Mon’s practice of three characteristics refer to impermanence, non-self, and suffering. Mehm Tim Mon’s practice of the three characteristics is just compatible with suffering. The thesis of this paper is that Shantideva’s practice of Close Placement of Mindfulness is a better solution for suffering rather than Mehm Tim Mon’s practice of three characteristics.


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How to Cite

Dorji, P. (2024). Shantideva’s Close Placement of Mindfulness and Mehm Tim Mon’s Three Characteristics. Journal of Dhammaduta, 1(1), 10–18. retrieved from



Academic Article