Anger (Dosa) Management to Deal with Internal Conflict of People in the Modern Society


  • Venerable Kundala Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Anger management, Internal conflict, Modern society, Theravada Buddhism


This research entitled to "Anger (Dosa) Management to Deal with Internal Conflict of People in the Modern Society" The aim of this research was three objectives that are 1. to study the concept of anger and intrinsic state of anger as expounded in the Buddhist scripture 2. to analyze anger and the management of anger to deal with internal conflict of people and 3. to propose the way to manage anger to deal with internal conflict of people in modern society. The research was qualitative which consist of documentary research. The in-depth interview was used for collecting qualitative data from six key informants regarding with the research works, there were several Buddhist scholar monks from the University.  This research focused on a study of Dosa (anger) management for the conflict of people in the modern society in Theravãda Buddhism Sutta-pitaka scripture. The conflicts arose from the human mind, as the intrapersonal and interpersonal, and between human societies. this study focuses on the concept and the cause of those conflicts and solving them by using loving-kindness which is known as universal love. This work has been done based on studying the loving-kindness and its practice taught by Buddha and his disciples and the comparisons between them have been made. This work aims to realize a study of Dosa (anger) management to deal with internal conflict of people in the modern society. It also suggests a three-step anger reduction method that involves non-response to provocation, treating others with loving kindness, and neither seeking revenge nor using violent. As the Theravãda school emphasizes personal efforts, anger is said to originate in the individuals and it is up to the individuals themselves to reduce their anger.


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How to Cite

Kundala, V. (2024). Anger (Dosa) Management to Deal with Internal Conflict of People in the Modern Society. Journal of Dhammaduta, 3(2), 56–64. retrieved from



Research Article